As the patient demand for eyeglass free vision has increased manufacturers have responded with a diversity of lenses to implant. There are now lenses to correct astigmatism, reading vision, intermediate vision and even light adjustable lenses.
This has increased the burden on eye surgeons to calculate the exact power of a lens to implant. There are various machines to acquire measurements and several formulas to use this adds a lot of time and work to getting that perfect lens for our patients.
Dr Titone has acquired then IOL master 700 to achieve the best results possible for our patients.
With the Carl Zeiss IOL master 700 We have the most advanced biometry system for IOL power calculation with the latest integrated lens calculation formulas. This allows all the needed measurements to be completed rapidly and reproducibly. With innovations like telecentric keratometry to allow accurate keratometry readings even if the focus is difficult for the technician. Swept source OCT to measure the length of the eye, the lens, corneal thickness and the AC depth with repeatable accuracy. A scan of the macula is also done allowing us to detect subtle abnormalities needing further investigation that may have been missed with older technologies and standard exams. All the measurments can be accomplished within 1 minute or less for both eyes!
Zeiss has plans to add to this platform with additional advances to the calculation formulas; and with the recent acquisition of the Veracity surgical suite, Cataract and IOL tracking. This will become the new gold standard for Catarct surgery. The IOL master 700 also takes images of the eye for use with Zeiss’s Calisto intraoperative real time heads up digital display for their Lumera microscope that can help eye surgeons get the best alignment possible for toric IOLs to correct astigmatism. We hope to add this tool soon.
With tools like these it’s a great time to be a refractive cataract surgeon. More patients then ever before can be eyeglass free after cataract surgery.